Eat Plants Live Strong

Our body has a powerful capacity to heal if it’s provided with superior nutrition and lifestyle choices. Plant-rich wholefood eating combined with a low-toxin lifestyle are the key pillars to optimise overall health and beat chronic disease.

Our Philosophy

Our health is complex and resilient, able to recover from stress and imbalances when nourished with a healthy balance of nutrients and supported by a nourishing environment.

By fueling ourselves with wholesome, antioxidant-rich plant foods, maintaining regular exercise, practicing mindfulness, and minimising exposure to toxins, we naturally enhance our resilience against diseases and pave the way for a strong, happy life.

Plant Oceans is here to support you on your path to better health.


I am Martina

A Health Coach, A Certified Food For Life Instructor and the Founder of Plant Oceans Nutrition on a mission to help local communities better understand the connection between healthful plant-based diet and disease prevention. 

My passion is to empower you with practical tips and tricks that you can easily implement into daily shopping and cooking to maximize the healing power of plants and clean wholefood eating. 

Being the child who always gets sick, dealing with my own health struggles at the age of 35 and experiencing family loss to cancer have been some parts in my life that shaped my vision for Plant Oceans Nutrition. 

Living in Perth, Western Australia with my husband and two daughters, I am thrilled to help you optimise your health so you can enjoy long and active lives with your loved ones.

Let Food Be Your Medicine

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is crucial for your health—more than you might realize! Phytochemicals found in these plant foods possess powerful disease-fighting properties against conditions like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, dementia, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, depression, and more. 

Food For Life Nutrition and Cooking Classes.

Food for Life is an award-winning nutrition education and cooking class program with an innovative approach to diet-related chronic diseases.

Our classes are fun and supportive group sessions that translate complex scientific nutrition information into simple and easy meals with practical cooking skills and tips that you can easily implement into your daily cooking. 

Designed by physicians, nurses, and registered dietitians of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Food for Life promotes healthful eating based on the latest scientific research with the variety of 15 health topics.

Holistic Approach

Optimising your health is not only about choosing the right fuel for your body. It’s also what you put on your skin, in your homes and how you work with your mind to support healing and well-being. Plant Oceans embody a holistic approach to life.

Local Knowledge. Healthy Habits. Simple changes.

Improving your diet takes time and can be tricky. Even if you have a new menu plan setup and your intentions are good, it is often hard to create new shopping habits. It is like learning to shop and cook all over again.

This is why Plant Oceans Nutrition is bringing the best nutrition information, cooking tips and recipe hacks to help you make simple changes that last. 

There’s even more! Our free guides including Market Watch video series will give you regular updates on the best local produce and how to shop locally and effortlessly. Find a market near you.


Food For Life Instructor Training Program by Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine, USA

Professional Certificate in Food & Nutrition Coaching, Nature Care Collage, Sydney NSW, Australia

Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition, T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, USA


Access our articles on holistic health and food as medicine with practical information and evidence-based science to get you started on your new journey to better health.

Food For Life Classes

Join our nutrition education and cooking classes featuring strategies for managing your specific health concerns in a supportive and fun group environment.

Book a Free Session

Not sure where to start? Reach out to discuss your specific health situation in a free nutrition consultation .